ESG & Stakeholder Engagement

SHIFT Critical offers innovative solutions that identify and manage global ESG risk to secure investor confidence, enhance enterprise value, and build a cohesive network of stakeholder advocates.


ESG Solutions

The integration of ESG principles into a company’s foundation is integral to creating sustainable value.

From creating ESG related policies, standards and corporate strategies, to weaving ESG performance metrics and best practices into day-to-day operations, we work with clients to build and advance ESG principles into the very foundation of the business. Our innovative and customized solutions reflect local market needs, evolving regulatory requirements and leading ESG standards and frameworks to drive sustainable growth.


Social Governance & Stakeholder Engagement

Building collaborative partnerships and stakeholder support is the key to success.

We identify key stakeholders and influencers and develop strategic plans to engage with them on behalf of clients. We talk to investors, local governments, communities, NGOs, First Nations and others to establish a meaningful dialogue. We build relationships, address concerns and manage emerging issues to ensure your business or project is viewed as mutually beneficial for all parties involved. We take the time to understand what is important to your stakeholders thereby improving the outcomes of engagement.